I never got a chance to post about Easter since my mommy and daddy were busy trying to figure out what was wrong with me last week. I have been doing great---no more of those seizure things since Friday!
Here are just a couple pictures from my weekend celebrating Easter with my Grandma and Grandpa Kozusko. My grandparents are awesome and got me an Easter present. I got a box of Milkbones and a bag of Beggin' Strips. YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love both of these!
Well, you won't believe what happened while we were there visiting. You see, Grandma and Grandpa's fence is not as tall as mine at home---so mommy and daddy usually never let me out in the backyard off of my leash. This time they were really cool and let out on my own since both of them were out there and my human cousin, Courtney. I totally blew it though! In the spirit of this whole Easter holiday I saw a cute lil bunny hopping through the backyard. One thing lead to another and I shot through the same hole in the fence the bunny did! Mommy and daddy started yelling my name. Daddy chased after me and mommy went to get some yummy treats to get me to come back. I didn't get very far just 2 yards. All I wanted to do was play it---geez! Parents---they just try and ruin all of your fun sometimes.....but don't worry I love my mommy and daddy very much!

Riding in the backseat all comfy on my bed

My new Wubba Kong mommy and daddy got me for Easter.